Gentili Soci, per Vostra opportuna conoscenza ed informazione Vi trasmettiamo notizia degli eventi che si terranno nei prossimi mesi: • 13 Settembre 2013, Longarone Fiere (Belluno), Centro congressi: “Pericolosità idraulica a valle delle dighe”, organizzato da Fondazione Vajont, Regione Veneto e Dipartimento Protezione Civile – Files allegati: Vajont2013__ConvegnoDighe__Programma.pdf; Vajont2013__ConvegnoDighe__NoteLogistiche.pdf • 7-9 Ottobre, Innsbruck (Austria): “HYDRO 2013 – International Conference and Exhibition” , Hydropower and Dams. Link: • 16 Ottobre 2013, Ljubljana (Slovenia): International Symposium on “Dam Engineering in Southeast and Middle Europe”, 20th Anniversary of SLOCOLD (Comitato Nazionale Sloveno). Link: – File allegato: SecondCall-SLOCOLD-20YEARS_Symposium.pdf • 2 ‐ 4 Ottobre 2013, Graz (Austria): “12th INTERNATIONAL BENCHMARK WORKSHOP ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF DAMS”, ICOLD Committee on Computational Aspects for Dams – File allegato: Flyer¬_icold¬BM¬WS¬V3.pdf – THEME A: Fluid Structure Interaction: Arch Dam ‐ Reservoir at Seismic Loading – THEME B: Long Term Behavior of Rockfill Dams – THEME C: Computational Challenges in Consequence Estimation for Risk Assessment Link: • 1-3 Novembre 2013, Kunming (Cina): “Hydropower 2013–CHINCOLD 2013 Annual Meeting and the 3rd International Symposium on Rockfill Dams”, Chinese National Committee, Link: – File allegato: Rockfill dams.pdf • 11-13 Novembre 2013, Stoccolma (Svezia): Workshop “Dams Incidents and Accidents – What Can We Learn?” ICOLD European Club, Swedish National Committee – Link: – File allegato: Dam Incidents.pdf • 13-15 November 2013, Thimpu (Bhutan): “International Conference on Roller Compacted Concrete Dams”, Indian National Committee – File allegato: RCC Dams conference bulletin.pdf

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