Eventi internazionali Gentili Soci, pensiamo di farVi cosa gradita comunicandoVi i principali eventi internazionali dedicati alle dighe. Ovviamente questa comunicazione si ripeterà periodicamente • L’evento principale ICOLD del 2105 è il “25° ICOLD CONGRESS and 83 Annual Meeting”, che si terrà a Stavanger, in Norvegia, dal 13 al 20 Giugno 2015. Per ogni informazione si rimanda al sito web: http://www.icoldnorway2015.org Inoltre, altri numerosi relativi al settore dighe sono programmati per il 2015: • “10th Spanish National Congress on Large Dams”, organized by SPANCOLD, Seville, Spain, February 18-20, 2015. Further information at: www.jornadasespanolasdepresas.com • “USSD Annual Meeting 2015”, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. April 13-17, 2015. Further information can be found at www.ussdams.org • “2nd International DAM WORLD Conference”, Lisbon (Portugal), organized by the Portuguese National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, April 21-24, 2015. Further information at http://dw2015.lnec.pt/ • “7th Int. Symposium on Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) Dams”, sponsored by the Chinese National Committee on Large Dams and the Spanish National Committee on Large Dams, Chengdu (China) Sept. 24 -25, 2015. Further information at http://www.hydropower-dams.com/pdfs/RCC2015_Initial%20Bulletin.pdf • “HYDRO 2015 International Conference and Exhibition”, Bordeaux, France, 26-28 October 2015, organized by Hydropower and Dams, Further information at: http://www.hydropower-dams.com/ • “XVI Technical Dam Control International Conference – Hydraulic Structures Exploitation – Diagnostics And Hazard Prevention”, organized by the Meteorology & Water Management Nat. Research Institute, and the Polish Committee on Large Dams, 29 September -2 October 2015, Rytro (Poland), Further information at: http://www.imgw.pl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1757&Itemid=443 • International Benchmark 2015, “13th International Benchmark on the Numerical Analysis of Dams”, organized by the ICOLD Committee on Computational Aspects of Analysis and Design of Dams, Lausanne (Switzerland), 9th – 11th September 2015, Further information at: http://icold2015bmw.epfl.ch/ • International Workshop on Sediment Bypass Tunnels, organized by the ETH Zurich, Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology, from 27 to 29 April 2015 in Zurich. Further information at: www.vaw.ethz.ch/sbt-workshop

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